I spend WAY to much time playing this game.
I spend WAY to much time playing this game.
I really really really like this game
This the the best game in life yes I play baseball I love baseball and I also love this game to so have a good life playing this game byyee.
Spend Cavour an hour a day on it.
Easy to play
Great play
Great game! Spend way too much time playing this game for sure
Is lit like bic.
Great game you can control every aspect of a baseball team GM manager owner and player hours of fun
I play lots of baseball games and this one rocks! Great game and features. Love the graphics. One of the more realistic out here!
Better graphics, more player acquisition functionality.
So far so good. Takes a bit to earn enough to improve your team but overall its a fun game...wish there was a way to purchase franchise players or a way to earn them onto your team.
Needs more instruction on how to set up teams and manage rosters. But its fun. Go Cardinals!
Dont make it easy to score and reward more otherwise pretty good
I Have Never Been A Baseball Game Person But After Trying This One Its Hard To Not Play It Its So Addictive I Live It And Recommend This Game To Everyone All Ages
Most draft picks are terrible players. It would be better if you brought back drafting by position. Also more ways to get gold would be nice. Overall great game though. Just needs a few improvements
Very fun game good graphics plus it doesnt freeze at all well running game got my whole family playing now
This game is great. Its fun and very easy to play. Playing with friends and completing challenges is very fun to do
You know how they say life is unfair. This game is that in a bottle. Unless you spend real money, the game makes sure that you lose or are unfairly matched up. When you think you hit a ball perfectly, the low stats on your little league players will hit it right the other team making most hits instant outs. If you play with the computer it is even worse when they score 3-6 runs in most innings making some games total blowouts against you. Of course you could do well... if you pony up the cash Just pass on this game and dont believe the clearly fake 5 star ratings.